R googleVis Line Motion Charts with Modified Options
Using googleVis via R provides lots of options to create nice google visualizations. I was trying to create some charts while exploring the Annual Nominal Fish Catches Data on Kaggle. I wanted to create a line motion chart and exclude the default bubble chart. So I played with the options to get the desired result. The following is a quick explanation of how to do that.
Fish Catches Dataset
The dataset provides the annual TLW (tonnes live weight) catches of fish and shellfish in the Northeast Atlantic region. The original data, after cleaning, is in a wide format as follows:
## Species Area Units Country 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
## 1 ANF 27 TLW BE 993 1633 1716 1279 1031 853 964 1363
## 2 ANF 27.4 TLW BE 217 137 133 116 131 140 185 181
## 3 ANF 27.4.A TLW BE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
## 2006
## 1 1193
## 2 141
## 3 0
Since gvisMotionChart() requires a time variable, I melted the dataframe to convert it to a long format as follows:
## Species Area Units Code Year Quantity Country
## 1 ANF 27 TLW BE 2014 993 Belgium
## 2 ANF 27.4 TLW BE 2014 217 Belgium
## 3 ANF 27.4.A TLW BE 2014 0 Belgium
Then I wanted to plot the annual fish catch per country and also per species, so I calculated the annual sums and got the following:
Annual Fish Catch per Country
## Source: local data frame [216 x 3]
## Groups: Year [9]
## Year Country TLW
## (dbl) (chr) (int)
## 1 2006 Belgium 67564
## 2 2006 Denmark 2680872
## 3 2006 Estonia 296160
## 4 2006 Faroe Islands 2597422
## 5 2006 Finland 451731
## 6 2006 France 1310819
## 7 2006 Germany 884707
## 8 2006 Greenland 150961
## 9 2006 Iceland 5353078
## 10 2006 Ireland 698563
## .. ... ... ...
Annual Fish Catch per Species
## Source: local data frame [8,181 x 3]
## Groups: Year [9]
## Year Species TLW
## (dbl) (chr) (int)
## 1 2006 AAS 0
## 2 2006 ABK 0
## 3 2006 ABX 20
## 4 2006 ABZ 0
## 5 2006 ACC 8
## 6 2006 ACH 0
## 7 2006 AES 0
## 8 2006 AGD 0
## 9 2006 AGK 15
## 10 2006 AGN 0
## .. ... ... ...
googleVis Line Motion Chart Options
The default gvisMotionChart requires a dataframe with at least four columns: subject name (idvar), time (timevar) and two columns of numeric values. This is mainly for the bubble chart, which does not work properly with three columns. But since the line/bar charts can be used with 3 columns, I could use it with my summarized data. But I wanted, first to set the default view to line chart., and second to ** hide the tabs of the other charts**.
To achieve these two features, I played with the options of gvisMotionChart as follows:
To view the the line chart by default, I set “iconType”:”LINE” in State; which is passed to the function.
To hide the other charts, I set showChartButtons=F
I also wanted to have unique colors for the lines in the initial view, so I set “colorOption”:”_UNIQUE_COLOR” .
And that’s how I got a line motion chart.
#set state options to pass to gvisMotionChart
#create the country chart
CountryChart = gvisMotionChart(datm.country, "Country", "Year",
options = list(showChartButtons=F, state=State))
#create the species chart
SpeciesChart= gvisMotionChart(datm.species, "Species", "Year",
options = list(showChartButtons=F, state=State))
#Plot the 2 charts
#remove caption
The data and the full code can be found Here